So, this blog? You’re probably wondering what it’s about. Right? I mean, you clicked on the About page! Well, let’s get to the point. But real quick, let me introduce myself! My name is Jenna. I’m the mama of four amazing, crazy, mess makers ages 5 to 1. That’s right. My husband, Matt, and I had four kids in less than four years. We live in Colorado, and you can regularly find me pushing a cart full of kids around Costco or Target. With coffee in hand. And my favorite, faded brown hat.
So, back to the blog!
What it’s not:
-It’s not another mommy blog telling you how you might be ruin your kids if you do this or do that.
-It’s not a blog with perfectly edited pictures (that make you grieve over your own messy house with ice cream in hand).
-It’s not written by a mom who’s got it figured out
It’s real. It’s simple. It’s authentic. It’s straight from the heart. The Redefined Mama is a blog of authentic encouragement for all mamas, but especially mamas of littles, to live lives in the confidence and freedom God has for us! To break free from allowing fear define our motherhood and our lives, to living lives fully free to be the women God created us to be.
The story is common. In the midst of motherhood we find ourselves stuck in fear, comparison and lack of direction. We might even think we lack purpose because we’re so blinded by everything BUT the truth.
A few years into being a mama, I found myself in a dark place, left with little confidence of getting out. So strapped by the fear of approval. Fear of not being even half the mom I thought I should be. Crippling fear. Hidden fear. A slow, joy-sucking fear that I longed to run free from.
Through an unexpected journey of pursuing my health, God in His sweet goodness showed me the beauty of freedom. How I could live life completely redefined by freedom, not defined by fear. A life rooted in doing the hard, good, rewarding things I kept avoiding. In that I discovered renewed confidence, passion, drive, laughter. And joy. Less comparison, more contentment. Life full of purpose and focus! And that’s what I want to share with you through this blog. Because the good news? It’s not reserved for me. It’s for you! Can you just imagine, for a split second, if more of us mamas let go of the fear and stepped into freedom? Not only stepped into, but lived in it?
Mamas, it’s my heart for you to find that! If you want that too, but don’t really believe that’s possible? I’d so love for you to stick around on this journey with me. I know it’s a little scary. But I promise, it is so worth it! YOU are so worth it.