Everything to Gain

It’s been a rough go of motherhood lately here. Seriously. Not joking. Since starting this blog a few weeks ago, we experienced our first child run away/adventure escapade, kid stealing a snack from a store, waking up to find a certain kid sleeping in the van, poop hidden in a blanket, and of course, allRead more

Stripping Of Layers

Can I let you in on a little secret? Because I’m going to. This blog is the culmination of six years of struggle and growth. SIX years of identifying strongholds in my life. Realizing things about myself I didn’t care to admit. That might sound a little deep, a little dramatic to some of you.Read more

Pre-Launch and Giveaway!

Thanks for stopping by for The Redefined Mama’s first post! I hope this becomes a place of authentic encouragement for all mamas, especially you mamas with littles, to live our lives in the confidence and freedom God has for us. It’s too easy to find ourselves stuck in fear, comparison and lack of direction inRead more